Haloo All~ I'm Efni from Padang and currently stay in Jakarta.
I like being active in various activities and Aimizu is just my cybername.

This blog mostly contains diaries from my experience that like such as culinary, traveling, Jejepangan, and all things related of lifestyle. Sometimes I also like to share favorite recipes as my experiments.

My motivation to write a blog is besides being a diary as well as my various experiences and sharing information if anyone needs it.

Hopefully this blog article is useful. :)

If you want to follow my blog, please follow on Google Friend Connect and I will also be very happy if you leave a comment. For partnerships (sponsorship), you need a freelance interpreter / translator, Japan tour guide, discussion or also want to be friends, you can leave a comment directly on my blog post or contact the contact below.

Terimakasih, Enjoy your life. :)

Follow Me : 
Instagram : @aimizumizu
Twitter : @aimizumizu